How often do you tell lies?
I try to never tell lies
Sometimes, but only little white lies
Sometimes, but only little white lies
Whenever it’s necessary!
If a friend of yours tells you a personal problem, what do you do?
I try to give them advice
Listen attentively
Use the information to your advantage
Share the secret with other people
How would you react if your partner starts an argument with you?
I try to solve the problem peacefully
I try to understand
I get angry and start yelling
I find a way to blame them
Do you tend to gossip about other people?
No, never
Only sometimes
Yes, about certain people
Yes, about everyone!
If you see your partner acting different, how do you react?
I’d ask them what’s wrong
I’d act different too
I’d start an argument
I’d check their phone without permission
What’s your goal when you argue with others?
Solve the problem
Discover the truth
Make them realize they’re wrong
Win the discussion