Connect With Your Perfect Meme! Which Of The Top 5 Memes Of 2023 Reflects Your Spirit?
What's your type of humor?
A: Sarcastic
B: Absurd
C: Black
D: Dry
What happens when you see someone fall down?
A: I ask him if he's okay
B: I fall down too so that he doesn't feel embarrassed
C: I help him stand up
D: I laugh
What do you do when someone plays a joke on you?
A: I laugh
B: I get embarrassed
C: I try to hide that it makes me uncomfortable
D: I get annoyed
What kind of pranks do you like to play?
A: Scare people
B: Making jokes in the middle of serious conversations
C: Scaring people
D: Physical pranks
What do you do when you see that they are playing a practical joke on someone?
A: I ask them to stop
B: I push the person away
C: I change the conversation
D: I include myself in the joke
What is your dream job?
A: Theater
B: Scriptwriter
C: Host
D: Comedy